Script puppetry. Adaptation of the Chibcha legend
The original is located in the book called “Mitos y leyendas del Lago de Tota”.
Archeological Museum Eliecer Silva Cely of Sogamoso, Boyacá. Whose actual director is Margarita Silva Montaña.
Trabajo de traducción por Deicy Patricia Alarcón Pérez.
Wind Sound (1)
************************************ SCENE 1 *********** *****************
Narrator appears on the scene being carried away by the wind, and he is wearing Indigenous attire. He makes the performance.
NARRATOR: Good morning. I come to tell one of those wonderful stories about powerful gods can do unsuspected miracles. It's a story about the creation of one of the most beautiful places on earth: the majestic Tota´s Lake, which is located in the high mountains of the Andes. It's a story that began many millenniums ago, when the place that is now occupied by the clear waters of the lake, was a huge hole, and arid desert, covered only by a huge layer of yellowish dust swirling when it came and went by that deep cavity where there was no grass or small tree growing, where did not run a water thread.
Space Curtain
Zijista goes out and sees the narrator; then, she jumps to call Bochica, who is playing with the planet.
ZIJISTA: Lord Bochica, Lord Bochica, the performance started, it's time to work.
BOCHICA: Eh! Work, in what I have to work? We as Gods do not have to work, we only have to live in eternity and have to enjoy with the infinite.
Bochica is still playing
ZIJISTA: Come here that planet. You have to work in the play "The mythical origin of Tota´s Lake”. You remember everything we've rehearsed this week.
Zijista is on the planet.
BOCHICA: Hey Zijista, I already remember that. Oops! Sorry, sorry. You forgive me, I live in the clouds. I am going to take a shower.
ZIJISTA: Lord Bochica, the gods do not need to take a shower.
BOCHICA: I do not know about the other gods, but I do not like to be dirty.
ZIJISTA: Lord Bochica waits a moment; you forget the towel, the soap, and the shampoo. Are not you going to shave? ... (The voice is lost) Lord Bochica ...
************************** Scene 2 ********************* ***
Indigenous Music (2)
Indigenous people appear marching. When Bochica appears, then, they are amazed and they worship to the God. Bochica speak with them and the objects go passing on the scenario. The Indigenous people kneel down and they pray
Landscape Curtain
NARRATOR: By eastward, the Sua road, light and life path, one day came to the Chibcha regions, the great Bochica. He brought a message of peace, love, and wisdom for these people. Besides, he taught Indigenous people the techniques to carve and polish metals; he taught how to knead the clay and how to make varied and beautiful vessels, and he told them how to make wicker and chuza baskets. He taught them to do the most varied fabrics, to paint drawings full of symbolism and art.
BOCHICA: My children, I bring a message of peace. Chiminigagua Your father, god of creations, who gave birth to you in her womb and for whom you are all brothers, he wants that you live in peace; so, the great Chibcha Empire will grow.
INDIGENOUS PEOPLE: Ohhh ... the great Bochica and Chiminigagua will be praised.
ZIJISTA: Lord Bochica, you do not forget about the leaders.
BOCHICA: What leaders?
ZIJISTA: The most wise and prudent that Chibcha people must choose.
BOCHICA: Of course ... and they must choose their leaders with these magic words: "In Pinocchio´s house, all counts up to eight ...."
ZIJISTA: No, that is not correct, Lord Bochica, you must show wisdom, so they will choose wisely.
BOCHICA: Ehh! Oh yes, yes, forgive me, sorry, sorry. As I am a wise god, the best is, is Ummm ... a reality
there appears three Indigenous people. Each one is presented like in a reality.
Daito: My name is Daito. My attributes to win this contest are my youth and my beauty.
BOCHICA: Applauses for this participant
SUSE: I am Suse and I know I'm going to win the post of chief priest because I am the most intelligent and talented in the region, and also I am the most humble.
BOCHICA: very good, very good, who is the following
PRIEST: I will put all my intelligence and my heart and I will have much faith and chiminigagua will guide me, and I will be the High Priest.
BOCHICA: Gentlemen, the winner of the next test will be the first High Priest. Who first catch this animal, which I have called zijista, is the winner. On your mark ready NOW!
Competition is done but Zijista does not get caught.
NARRATOR: And so the great Bochica chose who should be the first high priest.
BOCHICA: Aha, now what? Let's see, single file "of tin marin de do pingüe, cucara macara, puppet was, that filthy pig was with the wand of Saint José.
Bochica choose the priest.
PRIEST: Yes! Ohh yeah I won, that is good! Thank you sir, thank you great Bochica.
NARRATOR: Bochica was wearing a huge emerald in his chest and this was put on the high priest, who would live in the Sacred City of Suamox.
ZIJISTA Lord Bochica and where is the emerald?
She asks to the audience
BOCHICA: Oops! Where did I leave the emerald?
Bochica looks for emerald everywhere.
ZIJISTA: No, but what are you doing? You should find this emerald.
BOCHICA: Where I put it, where, where.
Bochica has the emerald (Guacata) in the back, he cannot see until he ask the narrator´s help and find it.
ZIJISTA: This Bochica, he is always in the clouds.
NARRATOR: That emerald called by the Indigenous people “Guacata” would be henceforth the symbol of the supreme majesty and it would represent the investiture of the highest authority of the Chibcha people. In time ... many wise priests had succeeded to the first high priest appointed by Bochica. The people mastered many arts and sciences and they lived in peace.
Music (3)
the different priests appear, each one makes a song and something extraordinary happens (smoke, feathers, fly, Thunder)
PRIEST 1: I will keep watch; so, each one will do the laws that our gods have commissioned to us
PRIEST 2: Chiminigagua protect you and please you should respect his mandates
PRIEST 3: our gods will join us in this great mission
SCENE 3 ************************* ***********************
Busiraco Music (4)
NARRATOR: But in one of the many moons appeared Busiraco the cruel evil spirit that raged with terrible fury with crops, animals and people. The priest Moneta was subjected to long fasts and meditations imploring the blessings of the protector gods Chiminigagua, Chia, Sua and Bachué that could avert the cruel and pernicious evil spirit, but nothing happened and the people began to suffer from hunger, and feel abandoned by the gods
Bochica is playing with Busiraco to hide and seek
BUSIRACO: That is a day so beautiful! That is a wonderful flower!
NARRATOR: Busiraco, I said to the cruel and pernicious evil spirit.
BUSIRACO: Ahh yeah, cruel, nefarious, evil. Jajaja I contempt all (Tears Flower)
NARRATOR: Many moons had passed and the people of the Chibcha ´s empire were afflicted and almost exterminated because of a long and dismal summer.
Busiraco blowing, dance, laugh, etc..
Indigenous people march, some die and leave after skeletons dance with Busiraco.
Sad Music (5)
NARRATOR: So many animals had died, little water ran through those landscapes rich in greenery. Elders, young people, women and children died because of drought, strange and unknown diseases against which nothing could herbs or spells.
We hear coughing, sneezing. Priests do spells.
NARRATOR: Everyone thought that the end of the world had arrived.
INDIGENOUS: We think that the end of the world has come.
The Indigenous people Cry.
NARRATOR: the cries, pilgrimages and sacrifices had been vains. The result was useless.
INDIGENOUS PEOPLE: (In chorus) Useless, useless, useless.
NARRATOR: On the roads leading to the big city of Suamox, now distressed and sad caravans were transiting.
INDIGENOUS: Boys to carnivals
Indigenous people go out to the party, dancing and singing.
NARRATOR: (Coughs) I said distressed and sad caravans.
Indians march afflicted.
NARRATOR: Men and women with empty baskets and dusty heads, thirsty for water and comfort made their last effort to survive.
Busiraco throws confetti to them on their heads. A snake appears.
Music of the Snake (6)
NARRATOR: And there in a huge depression in the earth, lived a black snake, with bright eyes and it advances siniestry, cautiously until the entrance of the great cave.
Fireball appears
NARRATOR: There is stopped waiting for a big fireball in which Busiraco was transported and when they were creeping into the depths of the earth.
he take a keys and he opens the door.
Sound of door. (7)
NARRATOR: At that time Busiraco gave a huge laugh of triumph.
NARRATOR: he was filling of terror the Chibcha people.
INDIGENOUS: Oh it is terrible!
There appears Bachue who is an old person
NARRATOR: Bachue, goddess of water,she remained deaf to the prayers and cries of the people.
BACHUE: I have trouble hearing, you know that, because of years.
Clouds appear in the sky. Busiraco blows them and takes them and laughs. The Indigenous people complain
NARRATOR: When in the sky appeared some clouds, Busiraco frightens them.
SCENE 4 **************************** ******************** *
NARRATOR: However, one day Moneta had a vision in which Chiminigagua requested him rally the Great empire in the holy city of Suamox.
Moneta shows a paper that says: Sensational Rumba ...
Indigenous people are coming there.
Moneta appears. He is shy. The Narrator hits him his back
MONETA: (fearful) I have worth
MONETA: (Stuttering) My children, I have good girls, sorry, good news!
NARRATOR: In the deep and serious words, the most profound silence reigned.
INDIGENOUS PEOPLE: What happened????
INDIGENOUS PEOPLE: Shh, silence please.
MONETA: I heard from the Grand Chiminiguagua these words: Your prayers have been answered, the anguish, the pain and suffering of my people coming to an end, and come better days, but before Bachue take pity on you and send the necessary water, it is necessary that you should go all in devout pilgrimage to the edge of the big hole, home of Busiraco and black snake, and that on top of the rocks in there, lift up a shrine to the mother goddess and between Therefore all to remain in prayer. Back in the heights, you, Moneta, I have a new vision Moneta during which the party will show you, your part to that end devastation of my people.
Then, Indigenous people sleep
NARRATOR: Wake up!
NARRATOR: At the moment the caravan set out for the place.
Music, Songs and drums (8)
NARRATOR: It was headed by the great Moneta, his men went behind the civil and religious leaders and Indigenous people from all over the empire.
MONETA: Let's see, gentlemen Indian queuing.
SCENE 5 *************************** *********************
NARRATOR: After a long journey, the caravan reached the enormous cavity desolate and dusty.
The Indigenous people appear with ornaments, feathers, gold.
NARRATOR: shrine was prepared, enriched with the most sophisticated representative symbols of worship to the goddess of water Bachue.
The Indigenous people sing and dance.
NARRATOR: Until the great Moneta said please silence
The Indians make silence. Snake appears.
NARRATOR: Snake moved as it was angry and everyone were frightened.
they run. The snake appears at intervals, It is cheerleader dance. Siramena appears dancing.
NARRATOR: Suddenly the beautiful dance leader Siramena froze. She lifted her head
Siramena shows a head
NARRATOR: That no! you should shows yours!
SIRAMENA: I knew it, it was to see if they were localized.
NARRATOR: And their dresses pulled a shiny disc.
Siramena pulls a CD
SIRAMENA: Well, there is more cool music!
NARRATOR: No, No, a huge golden disc
INDIGENOUS PEOPLE: Indigenous people performing dance
Dance Music (9)
NARRATOR: The huge golden disc was first offered to the goddess Bachue. After she launched it with incredible force against the snake.
SIRAMENA: oh no, no, I cannot,
SIRAMENA: I'm from the animal protection society.
NARRATOR: But so the story and you have to do it.
SIRAMENA: All for the sake of history, oh poor thing.
SNAKE: go, and what I did? Nooooo, it is not fair
The snake is convulsing and takes much longer to perish
INDIGENOUS people: Now! Fuck fuck!. it dies, it dies
The Indigenous people celebrate the death of the snake.
INDIGENOUS PEOPLE: She died, the snake died
NARRATOR: Dead Snake Moneta organized a meal to break the long fast of his people.
MONETA: Well gentlemen we should make a meal. So the Fisheries bring sausages, of Cuitiva meat, Aquitaine the Whiskey and Wine ...
NARRATOR: Lord! at this time still people do not do those things.
MONETA: But how ...
Well, then fisheries bring the deer chigiza, Cuitiva those of maize, chicha of Guáquira ...
SIRAMENA:to drink chicha boys!
INDIAN 1: after the mystic In chorus answered all to the mastic.
NARRATOR: When everyone finished eating, the great Moneta fellow priests returned to stand in front of the shrine.
PRIEST 1: (Drunk) Hip Hip!
NARRATOR: The next day, the supreme moment had arrived. Every face turned to the High Priest.
Indigenous person1: Ouch! What hangover! Oh! What a pain.
Indigenous person2: Narrator ...... talk more little step .....
NARRATOR: Moneta told the people the new message Chiminigagua promised.
MONETA: Chiminigagua has come to me in a flash of light and he said that our prayers, mortifications and sacrifices have risen to his throne, which I do, then what are you going to see and then our eyes will see an unexpected fatal wonder, a great wonder that he should act for my conduit and redeem our lives from the terrible scourge that we have been suffering.
NARRATOR: After the sermon Moneta breast removed the beautiful gem, symbol of priestly power.
MONETARY: Well ladies and gentlemen; the time has come for auction. The base is in five bushels of corn ...
NARRATOR: No, no, no emerald is for sale.
And I press ... Then he raised his right hand
Moneta left upward
NARRATOR: No the other right.
MONETA: Oh ya!, Ready.
NARRATOR: And threw it hard into the abyss, the cruel Busiraco abode.
MONETA: UY but like so I'll throw this beauty. I better keep.
NARRATOR: Do not! What to throw it so the story goes.
MONETA: You should have said before. There goes
Moneta strip. Everything happens in slow motion
NARRATOR: The jewel flashed through the air. The crowd stared blankly amazed.
INDIGENOUSpeople: We do not understand, do not understand.
BUSIRACO: Complains ........
water begins to sprout
BUSIRACO: Why me ..... protest and drowns
NARRATOR: It happened the wonderful miracle, the Guacata falling within the cavity immense waves were green and growing and growing very pure and clear water began to flow until Busiraco filled that gap and got caught in the background.
Water gushing Music (10)
Busiraco drowns
NARRATOR: The people were astonished dams until Moneta sent them to prostrate and give thanks to Bachue, Chiminigagua, Sia and Sua.
MONETA: Boys, but what is this beauty. Let's give thanks.
NARRATOR: Every face and fell to the ground and spent several minutes.
The Indigenous people sleep
NARRATOR: Let's see what this is. Awaken, awaken.
The thirsty men drank water.
Indigenous people1: Yes, because this guava is tenacious hear.
NARRATOR: Then began a great party.
SIRAMENA: Oh how cool. Definitely for the guava is best to follow the party. Let's have ourselves a bailadita.
Party Music (11)
NARRATOR: A huge rainbow came out of the blue-green waters of the lagoon and covered from one side to another.
In the middle was the prophet floating through the air. From there he smiled sweetly to the people and raised his right hand to bless them.
NARRATOR: In the middle was the prophet.
Bochica bathing.
NARRATOR: (exasperated) I said in the middle was the prophet gently smiling at ... the people .... and raised his hand to bless them.
BOCHICA: Oh yes what a shame, sorry, sorry. I smile and ... what?
NARRATOR: And raised his right hand.
BOCHICA: Okay. Agüita for my people!
NARRATOR: And raised his hand to bless them. God give me patience ..
BOCHICA: Of course I will give you patience son. In the name of Chiminigagua and Bachue Sia.
NARRATOR: Then he disappeared.
BOCHICA: UY good! Busiraco, Busiraco we play play sation (Turmequé), which is a potato miss dick.
BUSIRACO: Wait for me that made me swallow water. Ready, is that pa, pa which is, paint ...
NARRATOR: Then, it was a new prodigy: green, restless, jumping, frogs appear zijistas.
SIRAMENA: Ouch! The ones that are always there, and sure to come speak ill of one. We better get
NARRATOR: Silence please! For chibcha people frogs were sacred.
Zijista was about jumping and croaking.
ZIJISTA: I saw you as from the beginning of life is present Busiraco, the spirit of evil and destruction however was trapped at the bottom of Lake Tota by the timely action of our ancestors, so today I ask you to take good care this wonder of nature, because the legend says that this majestic day wonder will dry and disappear drought and plague, thousands dead now cover the surface is covered by water, misfortune and many curses will come upon our descendants and their children will suffer for our neglect.
BOCHICA: But not as pessimistic Zijista if all the children and the people here understand the importance of the lake and most likely they will care for this wonder so I gave them last forever.
ZIJISTA: That Chiminigagua hears
Zijista jumping is about the narrator
ZIJISTA Lord narrator and just
NARRATOR: Yes, but???? I was born a great question
You believe that The Great Bochica knew that deliver great Guacata (Esmeralda) the Chibcha people this is the origin of Lake Tota? I knew that with her save perhaps an entire culture?
Final Music (12)